Madra the Problimatic Yaya – Bakakon


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 12-02-2012

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Amo: (nagsakay ug jeep nakakita na si Madra naa sa gate naay ka isturya)
Madra: (pagnaog sa amo gikan sa jeep nagdali dali ug sulod sa balay si madra dayon pang mop)
Amo: Hoy madra nganong abri man ang gate?
Madra: Nang mop man ko te
Amo: unsay ng mop ka bakakon gyud nimo kita ko nimo na naa kay daghan ka isturya sa may gate.
Madra: Aw ikaw maoy bakakon te kahibalo man d.i ka nangutana pagyud

by: Pikoy Pabutod

Madra the Problimatic Yaya – Labada


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 11-02-2012

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Amo: Madra pangalaba sa didto kaw, ako bantay sa bata
Madra: Ikaw nalang laba maam ako bantay sa bata.. pareha rang isturyaa

by: Pikoy Pabutod

Madra the Problimatic Yaya – Kubal


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 10-02-2012

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Madra: (Naghagok natulog sa kwarto)
Amo: Hoy Madra wa uroy na kubali imong likod cgi ug katulog noh!
Madra: Wa uroy sad na kubali imong baba sige pangasaba maam noh!

by: Pikoy Pabutod

Do What You Preach – Church


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 22-01-2012


Let me start this article by stating “I AM A ROMAN CATHOLIC”. Yes I am a catholic, both my parents where and in fact I came from a pious family where in we follow the norms of the church. I grow up attending mass on Sundays and during special days like Birthdays, Christmas, New Year and even Death Anniversaries of love ones. I also go to church during other occasions like mama Mary’s Fiestas and other saint’s fiestas. I say graces before and after meal. I make the sign of the cross before I do something. I may not pray the holy rosary often but I know how to pray it and even all the prayers included in it I know.

Words of Wisdom


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 18-07-2011

“I am a Pro-Life, Pro-Family Person
All I do is for the goodness of my family and the society”


Words of Wisdom


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 18-07-2011

“It is neither the school nor the name of the school that would tell a person who he is but it is how that person lives with his education that would tell what kind of school he came from”


Happy 4th Year Anniversary


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 07-03-2011


I encourage everyone to open the link first in another tab/window and listen to a good song while reading the post. Thank You.

This song is for babe and I

For the 4 years that we have been together there is no millisecond of the day that my babe makes me feel that I am taken for granted or being loved less. What I feel for the daily is growth of our love with each other.

Here are the things Babe does for me:

– He has been a source of strength and inspiration.

A Year Long of Reading


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 18-01-2011

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In my previous blog “New Word Everyday” I have shared with you one of my New Year’s resolutions in which to learn a new word each day. I also did explain what New Year’s resolution is. I have 11 New Year’s resolution all in all and I have shared with you the first one. For the second resolution I would also like to share it with you.

New Word Everyday


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 01-01-2011

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2010 is over and we are now in the first day of 2011. But before I start let me greet all of you a Happy New Year.

Every end of the year a very common question arises and that question is what is your New year’s Resolution? But before that what is a new year’s resolution by the way?

What are New years Resolution?
A popular answer to that is it is a commitment of a person to reform his habit and change his lifestyle for the better next year. These commitments will take effect at the first day of the year. New year’s resolution may be another term for goal setting but the difference is that it has a more emotional impact to the person making the commitment.

Faith Vs Science, An Interesting Conversation


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 10-12-2010

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I have been browsing the net when I thought of visiting a good friend’s site. That good friend of mine is also a blogger. We have the same political stand and both of us have similar passion in helping others that’s why we are into the same political and humanitarian organization.

As I browsed his site I reached to a very interesting article a conversation about faith and science. The conversation really did catch my attention. I want this article be read by many so I posted it here in my site. I believe that like me you too will be happy reading this nice conversation and I hope that you too will share this for the benefit of understanding the link between God and man through faith.
So here goes the conversation.