A Year Long of Reading


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Geemiz Thoughts | Posted on 18-01-2011

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In my previous blog “New Word Everyday” I have shared with you one of my New Year’s resolutions in which to learn a new word each day. I also did explain what New Year’s resolution is. I have 11 New Year’s resolution all in all and I have shared with you the first one. For the second resolution I would also like to share it with you.

My other new year’s resolution is to read at least one book every month. This resolution is maybe not new to me because I am fond of reading and I have been reading my accounting books in preparation for my upcoming mock board exam. But I would like to include reading a book in my Year’s resolution because it’s been a while since I have read a non-accounting book and also a way of relaxation.

What I have planned is to reread my entire John Maxwell collection book and books or ebooks about leadership, encouragement, business and the like.

Hope you guys will join my journey.


      21Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell


    I learned about the book because of my hubby. He is also a bookworm like me and one of his favorite book is this one which later on become my favorite as well. What I love about this book is that it not just teaches a person to become a good leader but it teaches us to become a good person. The book can be easily understood because of the inclusion of inspiring stories of great people.

Meet geemiz

Geezelle Maningo - A Cebu based travel blogger and the other half of GeeMiz Travel blog. She has been traveling around the Philippines and Asia since 2010 with her husband. A casual trekker/hiker since 2017 and has been blogging since 2008. A digital marketer during workdays and a bookworm on lazy days - she co-founded Cebu Book Club.

Comments (1)

Dr. Champion and students,Thank you for a MARVELOUS Family Math Night. It was such an aanzimg experience for our families. We appreciate your time and effort in creating an event which was well loved by all our students. Please forgive the late posting, as life events have taken a toll on my organization and time-management skills. Keep up the great work and we look forward to scheduling a Spring event.

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