Not for Profit Accounting Software


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Accounting Software | Posted on 05-11-2010


If you think that all organizations are built to produce profit and distribute them among owners then you are wrong. There is what you call a not for profit organization also called as non-profit organization. This not for profit organization is built not to distribute profit among owners but instead use the funds to pursue certain goals. A good example of non-profit organizations is charities and public arts organization. This form of organizations is mostly exempted from its countries income and property taxation.

Best Small Business Accounting Software


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Accounting Software | Posted on 27-10-2010

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Who does not want to be rich? I am sure that you yourself wanted to be rich just like anybody else around the world. But the question is how to be rich? We know that being an employee alone will not make someone any richer. Otherโ€™s tended to be self-employed but are these people rich.

Many say that the best way to become rich is to engage in a business. It may be a shell craft business or a car business anything as long as you have a product to offer and gain something out from it. You may observe that your neighbor is opening a store and then the next week your other neighbor is opening his own store.